12 September 2023 09:00 - 14 September 2023 17:00
Event details
Registration is OPEN until July 21, 2023!
Course description The aim of this seminar is to provide an introduction to continuous chromatography with hands-on practice with capture and polishing processes for biomolecules. These processes lead to improvements in productivity and manufacturing costs while reducing environmental footprint. Attendees will acquire the basic tools to design, run and evaluate multicolumn processes and to quantify these improvements, serving as basis for an economic evaluation. As the least complex of all multicolumn processes, the workshop is focused on twin column chromatography.
Introduction to continuous chromatography for biomolecules
Theory of multi-column chromatography
Design of multi-column chromatography processes
Hands-on training on twin column equipment for capture and polishing applications
Process performance evaluation and scale-up
Introduction to process modelling
This seminar is aimed at industry and academic separation scientists and process development engineers who already have some familiarity with single column chromatography and who want to broaden their understanding of chromatographic processes and look at new and more efficient ways to separate and polish biomolecules.