The mission of the Antibiotics platform is to bundle the existing expertise of antibiotic research in Switzerland with a focus on the discovery and development of novel antibiotics to treat multidrug resistant bacteria, as well as the development of rapid diagnostics. Networking activities facilitated through the Antibiotics platform shall foster research co-operations between industry and academia. Together, we innovate antibiotic development and provide opportunities for informal exchange. The platform organizes 1-2 networking events per year, typically accompanied with company or university visits.
CTI-Projects of platform members
If you are interested in translational antibiotics and rapid diagnostics and wish to join the antibiotics platform: Please contact platform leader Prof. Dr. Markus Seeger
In 2015, biotechnet and the NTN SwissBiotech founded a novel platform dedicated to antibiotics development and rapid diagnostics. The discovery of antibiotics during the course of the 20th century was a milestone in the history of medicine. Today, a remarkable number of antibiotics still stem from the golden era of antibiotics development, which lasted roughly from 1945-1970. Unfortunately, antibiotics became victims of their own success; due to many treatment options and low prices, companies ceased to develop novel antibiotics, because other medical fields offered more attractive markets. In parallel, the existing antibiotics were misused as food additives in the animal industry and were prescribed to humans without being necessary. As a consequence, antimicrobial resmistance could spread worldwide, resulting in multiresistant pathogens which can no longer be treated with the current arsenal of antibiotics. Past Events
Biotechnet Switzerland c/o FHNW School of Life Sciences, Hofackerstrasse 30, 4132 Muttenz, Switzerland
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