About us

Biotechnet Switzerland is an association of Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences, Universities, and Research and Technology Organizations. We help industry access high-caliber competences in biotechnology at our member organizations. Industrial partners including small, medium and large enterprises can rely on our proven expertise and outstanding infrastructure to support innovative research & development projects. We are also a premium partner to address continuing education needs.


Thematic platforms


Executive Board

Marketing and Communications


TrustUp AG

Advisory council

The advisory council offers guidance in economic and scientific matters. They are experienced industrial leaders and help to facilitate projects.

  • Bruno Weber-Gobet, Geschäftsführer Fachhochschuldozierende Schweiz fh-ch, Bern
  • Dr. Michael Altorfer, CEO, Swiss Biotech Association, Zürich
  • Prof. Dr. Ursula Graf-Haussner, 3dcellculture, Winterthur
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Gygax, FHNW School of Life Sciences, Muttenz


Biotechnet was formed and supported by the Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI) in 1998 as a national network of competence in research. Through participation in and execution of high-caliber R&D projects, Biotechnet rapidly gained recognition as specialized partner to complement R&D projects with state-of-the art, innovative technologies.

Today Biotechnet is a virtual network that enables companies and institutions to acess biotechnological expertise according to their specific needs. Along with highly specific services for biotechnological R&D, we also provide process and development consulting. Biotechnet also gained an excellent reputation as designer, organizer and conductor of first class education programs for continuing education.

We have performed multiple industrial R&D projects with budgets often larger than CHF 1 Mio. We will complement your R&D projects with specific competencies. You also profit from our vast experience in successfully leading large, networked R&D projects. When you work with us within Innosuisse, BRIDGE and other national research programs, our help is financed by the Swiss Federation. Biotechnet helps you access excellence in R&D and gives you optimal support at low cost.